I remember my early days when as a child, my mom's had to serve as my alarm clock more than once. My mom would come in and gently wake me from peaceful slumber. And whenever my mom asked dad to wake me up. Yep, He smacked on the ass extremely hard. lol. Dad sure could learn a lot from Moms!
My mom started with love:
Beta uthao. (Getup honey)
That was the first stage.
Then, she said, offcourse with love again:
Nirnay beta utho. (Getup my honey Nirnay)
Ya, she added my name this time.
Then 3rd round is without any love:
Nirnay utho. (Getup Nirnay).
And I know she is now getting wild on me, but I just ignored her again.
Then, all the sudden she get rudely awakened by a loud and screeching noise.
Kutte uth-ja (Getup you dog)
What a morning to start off.
But the morning are changed, Now I were rudely awakened (at the ungodly hour of 8:15 am) by
either Alaram bell (the first thing I’ll think of every morning is: I hate my alarm).
Or, by my cell. You know, there are only 2 people on the planet that use my phone to reach me, my PM and best friend Salil (well, he is worst among all living organizm in this universe). So when phone rings, I dug out my phone from under the pillow. And as a normal person hold the phone to ear and go, “Hello?”. If its Salil then the only thing you can hear is; Oh, I must have pressed the keys wrongly. Sorry...... So he woke me because he pressed the wrong key! Grr!
And if its PM then the only thing you can hear is; Nirnay, I appreciate if you can make to the office early today. Early?? Grr!
Now no one’s gonna wake me up with love. Now no one brings me my cup of coffee every morning with just the right amount of cream and suger. No one back home waiting for you to come. I’m all alone. It’s like a fade to grey. I miss her every day.
I hate phone. I hate my alarm. I hate all alarms. WHERE'S YOU MUMMY!!